Tuesday, March 3, 2009

5th periods conversation

So today I found myself in a pretty hilarious conversation with Angelina, Kamri, Tamina, and Dasieeeee. Basically we came to the conclusion that we would rather NOT wear clothes at all. It's a lot more comfortable. Personally I hate wearing shirts.. I feel so uncomfortable in them! Like I'm being caged in. ahaha. Tamina hates.. well.. I won't go there but yea.. Aha. When I asked around, a lot more people preferred not wearing clothes! Matthew made a good point that it's just another thing to judge people on. And I completely agree. If everyone had no choice but to be.. nude.. then everyone would feel a lot better about their body image. I think more bodies of all types would be more widely accepted.. Of course there are a few flaws in nudity.. Our weather for example. =]

haha we i just thought it was interesting that more people would rather be nakey.. =]

like me angelina tamina and kamri. 

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