Saturday, January 10, 2009

spur of the moment

So today my mom came in my room and woke me up at 11:15. On a Saturday morning that considerable early. The first thing she told me was, "Want to go to Sac and visit Auntie Lisa." I love how my mom always loves to take random trips. Sometime we wake up and just take drives around. We don't take time to plan our day or even where were going. We just get in the car and go. I love how spontaneous she is. About to weeks ago my mom woke me up and said, "We have nothing to do. Let's go for a ride along the coast." So that's what we did. We jumped in the car and went up to Halfmoon Bay. We hung up out around the ocean and stopped at deserted spots and just enjoyed the view. After that we just drove down highway 1. That's the highway that goes up and down the coast of California. I was so beautiful, so relaxing. We didn't even need to spend any money. Just spending time with my mom and enjoying the scenery. So today we just jumped in the car and drove to visit my aunt. No planning, no discussing, just going. I love living my life this way. You never know what's going to happen. I think everyone should live with a little bit of spontaneity in their life. It makes life more exciting.   

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