Sunday, January 25, 2009

<3 it's amazing.

This weekend was perfect! Saturday was pretty much the most busy day ever! I woke up at 7 in the morning when my boyfriend called me. After that I went back to sleep and woke up at 9 because I had gymnastics at 12. GYMNASTICS WAS GREAT!!! I GOT MY ROUNDOFF BACK TUCK!!! WHAT WHAT WHAT!!!! I'm so proud of myself. ahaha Then my boyfriend called me and said he talked to my mom already and he was coming to get me. So I got ready and my boyfriend was at my house by 6:30. I was a little irritated because my mom usually makes me be home by 10. Considering that we didn't leave till 7, I thought we were only going to have 3 hours with each other. But when we got in the car he told me my mom said to be back by 12! I was really shocked!!! So we start driving and I had no idea where we were going and he wouldn't tell me. The next thing I knew, we were in the mountains on the east side over looking all of San Jose. It was so beautiful!!!!! After that view, I won't ever look at my city the same again. It was just so quiet up there. So dark that the stars looked EXTRA bright. I felt like if I jumped up I would touch them. But at the same time when I looked down all the light from the city looked like stars too! I've never seen anything more gorgeous. I was mad when he told me that we should get back to reality. We drove back down that mountain and went to taco bell because he knows that's my favorite! And he knows my "usual." ahah. After that we went to watch Mall Cop. Whoooo funny movie Heheh. Basically it was a great night.

Sunday was great too. I had quince/16 practice! ahaha Man those kids are hilarious!!! I love em. I haven't laughed like that in a long time!!! I'm so excited for next weekend! It's only going to be better. I can already tell this weeks gonna go by slow because I know what's coming. I'm so high on life right now!! I love it!

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