Tuesday, February 24, 2009

i think this person is amazing. 
ive know this person for 4 years.. 
we were never really close.. 
never hung out during or after school.. 
never went to each others houses.. 
but we manage to understand each other.. 
i admire this person.. 
this person has the typical life i wish i had.. 
this person lives my dream life.. 
this person has a great personality.. 
this person is who i wish i was more like.. 
i try to learn from this person.. 

and nobody knows who this person is but me.. 
nobody will ever know who this person is.. 

they have no idea that i admire then.. 
they would never even guess that i feel this way towards them.. 


its my own secret.. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

She's amazing.

No other word describes her better. She's beautiful, amazing, perfect, strong, independent. Everything I wish to be when I get older. She's my best friend, my world, my heart, my everything. As far back as I can remember, it's been me and her.. Co-pilot as she used to call me in my younger days! So many memories I have with this incredible person. The good and the bad.. Tears were shed, both happy and sad. She's taught me most of my lessons in life, and there's no doubt in my mind that she won't continue to do so. This strong woman has taught me to NEVER let anyone get me down. To ALWAYS hold my head hight.. To KNOW that I'm worth SOMETHING in this world. When I was at the lowest of my lows, this lady has brought me back up.. I love her with all of my heart.. SHES MY MOTHER... MY HERO.. MY EVERYTHING.. I LOVE YOU MOM.. 

"Even if they separate us.. A thousand miles apart... We will still be together... In each others hearts..."
-The Temptations 

Thursday, February 12, 2009

People always say there is no such thing as a "stupid question." Honestly, I beg to differ. For example, what if questions. What if questions are pointless. If your having a discussion with someone, and they keep asking "what if," where does your conversation go? NO WHERE. You sit there discussing all the different scenarios of what if this, and, what if that. What if questions are truly conversation killers. If your question could really happen, or makes sense, then its no longer stupid. But when your talking about saving trees and you say, "well what if trees become giant man eating robots?" Then its not longer a good question. Your wasting your breath.

Sorry to be so blunt but I just don't care for what ifs


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Thanks to certain people in 5th period, now almost everybody knows eye contact makes me nervous.
I realize it's polite to look somebody in the eye when they're talking to you.. and I do that.
I pay attention to everything anybody says to me.. And I listen. But the minute someone starts to look me in the eye,
I turn away and look every where but at them. I know this isn't the best thing to do but I can't help it.
People always say that the eyes are the window to the soul. That you can tell a lot about people by looking in their eyes.
So maybe.. I don't want people to look me in the eyes and see something I don't want them to see..?
I don't know what it is but eye contact makes me nervous.
it's crazy how you can work soooo hard for something.
Spend weeks.. months.. years.. building it up..
and then in a matter of moments.. things fall apart..
words slip out.. and things are never the same again..
things change so fast.
its like you blink. and everything changes.
i realize that life doesn't slow down or wait for nobody..
but it would be nice for things to stay one way for at least a little..
I don't take change very well..

Family. It never goes out of style.

I'm so glad things are back to normal.
Yesterday was the first time in a long time
that my whole family was together celebrating something again.
It was great seeing my family getting along the way we used to.
I hope that never happens again because we're family.
We love each other and we shouldn't let little petty things
get in the way of that.
Blood is ALWAYS thicker than water.
Family should ALWAYS come first.
No matter what.