Monday, December 29, 2008

Life Lessons.

It's almost unbelievable how fast this year went by. This year was ALMOST perfect. So many tears, both happy and sad. So many uncontrollable laughs with friends. A countless number of crazy nights you won't ever forget, or remember. Haha I'm just kidding. On a serious note, I did A LOT of growing up in 08. I really do feel like I changed for the better. I don't just feel like it was another year that went by. I feel like I actually did something for myself this year. It definitely wasn't a walk in the park though. I was hard letting go of old things and allowing new and unfamiliar things to enter your life. But I guess that's what growing up is about? I'm just so excited that 09 is about to be here. It's a new start and I'm determined to make it better, if not just as good as 08. At the same time, I'm sad to let 08 go because it was such a great year! 


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

What happened to FAMILY?

My family has always been really tight. One of those big families where everyone loves each other. One of those families that has BBQ's every Sunday. I had the type of family where cousins and aunts were best friends. But the past two years has brought nothing but drama to my family. It's ridiculous how immature my family is being! It's actually pretty disgusting. It's gotten to the point where everyone is doing their own thing for Christmas! Ever since I was born, and probably before that, the whole family got together for Christmas, and New Years. And this year were not?! Over something as stupid as this!? I hurts to say it, but who knows how many holidays we have left with each other? Grandmas getting pretty old.. and so is Gramps. Can't everybody just put your stupid problems a side?! Don't you even care how this is effecting the kids?! Gosh. I swear sometimes adults can be more immature then the "kids."

Does anybody even care anymore!??!!

I'm so tree hugger but lately in World History it has come to my attention that...

we're killing our freaking planet!!!

So basically I think we really need to realize what we're doing.
Everyone hears about this "global warming" and "pollution"
but nobody is really educated. I think the media needs to make a better attempt to educate our society about this before it's to late.

We're running out of options.


I really do honestly hate finals. I hate it with a passion. Not only is it pretty stressful, but also it's just another reminder that school and just time in general is going by way to fast! Late night study sessions kill you! I think I'm doing a pretty good job in preparing myself for finals this time. Unlike last year. I guess that's just one of the perks of NOT being a Freshman. =]

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bye Gunderson

I'm sooooooo out of here. 
To many memories. It hurts.
Tired of the same faces. It's irritating. 
The same routine everday.. 

Now I just got to make the final decision. 
It's MY choice.. Anywhere I want to go and I'm there. 
But now where do I go?? 

And the most intresting part is when I'm gone, nobody will notice.
Maybe once I'm gone for a few weeks. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Doesn't seem like..

When ever you want to be alone, everyone just seems to want to be around you.?
And when ever you just need to talk, nobody is available?
Doesn't it seem like when ever somebody turns to you and asks, "What's wrong,"
with just that irritating voice, it just makes your eyes well up with tears?

All I know is that's how it's been for me lately and it's driving me crazy...