Thursday, September 25, 2008

i missz my friend. . .

It basically happened over night. Literally. The weekend before school started, we were hanging out. We had one of the best times and best adventures EVER. Then school actually started, and just like that we drifted apart from each other. I realized it right away but I guess you didn't see it. When you did start to realize it, you cried to me about how much you didn't want to lose me as a friend, I told you I was always going to be here, and it's still like that. After that I made a lot of efforts to try and reconnect with you, and you blew it off. It's now gotten to the point where we pass by each other and don't even say hi. We went from spending late night together and sharing secrets, to not even noticing each other was there! And that really hurts me a lot, if you even care anymore. So basically I'm done making attempts to try and fix this. It's not a one way street. I'm not a doll that you can pick up and play with at your convenience. Hey, I guess all we can say is, it was good while it lasted..

1 comment:

Quoc said...

I don't know if this is true or not but it sad. Friends are something that a human will need throughout their lifetime. If what you saying is true, I think you should try to talk to her because maybe there is some misunderstanding between you guy. Or your friends is just wanting too much from you(an expectation that you need time to do or something similair). If you guys are close friend then it not a problem for you guy to talk. You guys know each other so before the ring of friendship crack. Try to repair it with what you can and after that you know that you have do what you can do and had done it.