Thursday, September 18, 2008

Do you ever feel like you have so much on your plate you just want to throw it all away? Just drop everything your doing and take time to look around you and appreciate things? To just relax? I've been feeling like that since school started. I have school and two outside sports. I work my but off in my first sport, and with the second one, it just never seems like I'm good enough. With school it just seems like if it's not one thing, it's another. I'm just tired of working really hard on a stupid homework assignment, just to get it back and have it have some stupid numbers and the top. It's really frustrating. I understand that teachers have 100+ students, but still. It would be nice just once in a while have a teacher say, "Good job, I can tell you worked hard." Even if it's not an A+ paper. You know? I know I'm doing this for my future it just seems like I'm doing it for nothing because I get nothing back but maybe some B's and C's printed on a white paper. I'm just getting really frustrated with it all. Or maybe I do just have too much on my plate? But even though I complain about it, it's what I love to do. I love my sports and I love coming to school everyday. It would just be nice to be recognized for my work. Even if it doesn't always exceed standards I still did put a lot of effort into it. Gosh. So many standards to reach. They put the bar so high... 

1 comment:

matthew travers said...

Yeah, I know what you mean Rachel, I've been there, and still am there. It's hard to not see any progress and not know why you have to memorize all the countries and capitals of Africa or read about sons sleeping with their mothers, but I tell myself its going to be worth it, because in all honesty it will be. Well, maybe not knowing the capitals of Africa, but getting good grades and working your hardest in anything you choose to do is the beginning to your work ethic for the rest of your life. Don't give up Rachel, hard work is so rewarding when you can step back, look at all your efforts and accomplishments, and be like yeah, that's right, I did that. ;D