Friday, August 28, 2009

The Crucible Response.

A time when I lost trust in someone I love was with one of my closest friends. We had been really close for about 3 years. From what I understood, we were SUPPOSED to tell each other everything, No matter what. Pretty much knew I was talking to this boy, who just happened to be his cousin, he knew somethings about him that I had the right to know considering I was his best friend and he should look out for me. This things he didn't tell me, I had to find out on my own. Which ultimately hurt me in the end. When I found out that he knew all along, I flipped out. I had trusted him to look out for , to be there for me, and the fact that he didn't tell me something that was very very very important really hurt. Even though we continued to be friends, my trust with him went away a little. After a while and things blew over, I realized that family should come first no matter the situation so I understood where he was coming from and eventually things went back to normal. a

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