Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I need to get out of Gunderson

I don't know why but for the past two months or so I have just grown to completely dislike Gunderson. And this is where my story starts. So it was after lunch, 5th period, and as usual I was completely fed up for the day. I walked into Mr. Thompson's class, looked to my right, and this is what I read. Gunderson High School is a technological, collaborative, college preparatory community that achieves excellence, celebrates individuality, and respects diversity. That would be Gunderson's Vision Statement. Reading this made me realize something. As an 8th grader coming into high school as a freshman, I chose Gunderson as my school for one reason and one reason only. And that was because I heard nothing but good things about this school, and at orientation I remember Mr. Castro starting his speech off with that statement. From that moment on I was so excited to start. I loved the fact that everyone could be themselves, that we had no cliques, and for the most part everyone got along with each other. Celebrates individuality and respects diversity. That is what I was most looking forward to. Unfortunately as the year went on I found this to be completely not true. Nobody is an individual and everyone is the same. Yea we do have so many different kinds of people, but no matter what "type" of person they are, they all have the SAME EXACT ATTITUDE. Everyone has this attitude of I don't care. Excuse my language but I'll kick your ass because I'm so hard. And to be honest it came from the class of 2011 and now the class of 2012 has followed. Every school has drama. I mean come on, it's high school. But as far as I'm concerned, our Freshmen and Sophomore classes has doubled Gunderson's drama rate. Even though I'm not in it, it gets really annoying to hear about it. To hear about who's supposedly fighting who when everyone knows it's most likely not going to happen. I've just become so tired of it. I realize no matter where I go this is going to happen, but I've gone to school with these people since elementary school and middle school. I just need change. I need to get out of Gunderson. I need to meet new people. And I feel I can't do that at this school